
Friday, 13 January 2012

Life is a curve ball and you just can't stop it from hitting you

Do you ever get the feeling that sometimes out of nowhere a bit of a curved ball is thrown at you.

You know who threw it, but, for the life of you you can't figure out why it was thrown and what caused it to be thrown.  The call comes out of the blue at an unexpected  time of the day.  The conversation is strained and short and hurtful.

It comes from a source that you have nurtured and loved, which makes it all the more difficult to hear things that you have no understanding of, or as to the reasons that they are being said.  You are confused and dizzy at the comments being made, you are speechless, you just don't how to respond and then the final spiteful comment is made and the phone is slammed down.........

You are left staring at the silent receiver, reeling from the comments trying to remember, even although it has just happened, you still have no idea why and then you look around to see where you are imagining just for a moment that you aren't sitting at your desk, you're still asleep and you have just had a nightmare and then reality dawns, you are awake and the call did just happen and a feeling of sadness overwhelms you at what just occurred and you suddenly also realise that you have no idea what to do.........

Have you ever had a day like that, I hope not........


  1. Hope you're ok <3 love to you and aunty ish xxx

  2. Oh no! That doesn't sound good. I had a call like that this week, too. Feel better! After a call like that, I call someone I can count on to make me feel better....good luck.

  3. Oh my god, please be okay. I'll be thinking about you. Whatever it is, I hope it gets better.

  4. Ladies, thanks for stopping by and for your kind words.

    Still don't know what really happened, got an unexpected angry call and don't know why.

    Will probably sort itself out over time....


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