
Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Authors, please take note, one of my niece's is angry (again)!

A salutary lesson for all you authors out there:-

Lesley Scott
Do you ever just want to slap an author so hard in the face? IT'S BEEN 15 FREAKING YEARS! Stop pissing about with crappy new books and finish the series you started almost 20 years ago. You make me so angry!

    • Sarah Anne Scot
       LMAO Night World been postponed again?xxx

    • Lesley Scott
      how did you guess? last i saw it was march this year, now apparently have it down for december 2018. what the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucccccccckkkkkkkk?!?!?!?!?!?! xxx

    • Lesley Scott
      also, morning swim?

    • Sarah Anne Scott
       ‎2018????????? She published 9 books in less time than that!! Not looking good at the moment, I got lots to do on dissertation and stuff for class tomorrow too. Will text you in a while and see how I'm getting on xxx

    • Lesley Scott
       i know. she did books 1-9 in 2 years. i know this is meant to be an actual jumbotronic book tying up everything for all the characters from all the books, but it seems a bit pointless to go to all that effort when none of the original fans will be alive to read them. and will have made their children promise to boycott that trout faced rectum and her publishers. ok i'm just gonna get some supper than puddle off to sleep, so if you don't get a text back i'll either fone you in the morning to confirm (if we going) or just quietly hate you when i wake up to "i too busy". k? xxx

      I had never heard of 'Night World' which has its own Wikipedia entry, so for those, like me, who have no idea what it was/is about, this is the link to that entry here.


  1. Lol Unky Tom! You're making me famous! Or should that be infamous... I starting reading the series when I was about 10 and I'm still waiting! Make her finish!!

  2. You will always be (in)famous in my eyes, just don't forget when you are rich and famous, I've always loved you too....xoxoxox

  3. unless of course you turn out to be an axe murderer and then I will just say " I was brainwashed Gov', honest!"

  4. There is nothing like a reader who feels betrayed. Authors take note! *scribbling*

  5. Well, I've had fits about George R.R. Martin and his feet dragging. And his getting off topic and following characters nobody cares about once he finally does release a new book in his Game of Thrones series. Gaaaaa!

  6. Language child of mine. Remember I read these things too. Fine if it's in context and fits the character but never gratuitous. Anyway why not write your own book!


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