
Wednesday, 8 August 2012

My quirky intro to Jack Reacher novels

I have a relatively humdrum existence in the workplace but generally I am left to do my own thing. occasionally I have to venture out of the office and visit a couple of places, some of which are derelict buildings, when I do and because some of them have been left to rot away for so long there are lots of dead rodents and pigeons and it's a bit like walking across the KILLING FLOOR.

Some of the wee beasties are close to openings to the outside world and it appears they DIE TRYING to escape, some pigeons are lying in such a way as to suggest that as they crawled across the floor they were caught on a TRIPWIRE and slumped forward breaking their necks!

On other days I just feel as if I am RUNNING BLIND into a chasm the the boss who has been on the phone shouting, he can't seem to talk without shouting, decides to become a VISITOR instead of a caller and my ears are like an ECHO BURNING after he leaves. WITHOUT FAIL after he leaves and regardless of the reason for the visit I usually become a self PERSUADER that whatever the reason for the visit, that THE ENEMY has been in my presence and I am left with only ONE SHOT at getting things right before the next unannounced visit.

Of course THE HARD WAY to do things for myself are normally the ones that lead to BAD LUCK AND TROUBLE and I end up thinking I have NOTHING TO LOSE as I could easily be GONE TOMORROW or indeed in 61 HOURS

But I usually convince myself that what I do is not WORTH DYING FOR.

And then For some reason I think of SECOND SON. He comes home and he realises that THE AFFAIR he was having with danger and excitement ends prematurely he will realise DEEP DOWN that being A WANTED MAN to be hung by his thumbs for allowing T Cruise to portray a hero to many, will all Fade away ......


  1. Clever Tom. Very clever.

  2. To much time on my hands, Andy

  3. I agree, clever! It's like reading War and Peace with Jack Reacher's titles inserted.
    No, you never have too much time on your hands. You are always busy!

  4. Thanks Jules, I entered it in a comp. The prize, 1 hour with Mr C in The Savoy Hotel next month for a drink and a chat and a signed copy of his next novel


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