
Saturday, 5 January 2013

Time to Burn Down National Governments

As you know I don't comment on politics too often, they make me unbelievably cross most of the time as they sit on high making decisions that seem to be bereft of benefit to the ordinary person, or indeed as was shown by politicians in America over the last couple of days, refuse to make decisions that they SHOULD MAKE and that could have had an unbelievably ameliorating impact for tens of thousands of voters in passing a bill to ensure relief funds were made available to the victims of hurricane Sandy.  Yes, weeks and months after that devastating natural disaster and Republicans in the House are playing party politics over an issue which has seen non partisan voting in favour of relief on other natural disasters.... and they wonder why we hate them so.

On this side of the Atlantic they are of course, in my opinion, just as bad; with everything the ConDems try and do being soundly reproached by Labour and their followers, whether it has merit or not! And of course if Labour suggests that they are going to do something, or intend to try and do something, if and when they return to power, the Cons or the Dems have to knock it in such derogatory terms, they are at it now, even as I write this piece

In Andy Burham's Britain, will government decide what toppings you can have on your pizza. Pepperoni! Anchovies!? Too salty, Sir
In Andy Burnham's Britain: Easter egg hunt, kids limited to finding one egg each. 
Why the Tories are hypocrites for threatening "fat" people.

What I want to know is how can anyone, politician or follower/ party member , call anyone else in politics  a hypocrite, I mean, they all are, right WE DO KNOW THIS, don't we?  Dr Clark, the last one there is on about the  hypocrites in the Tories and was also recently slating them for the number of Tory supporters who received *honours*  in the new years honours list.  Just who the hell does he thinks gets 'honours' in the New Years list when Labour are in government......

Labour slating the government for not doing enough to bring back social housing, which they, the Tories, destroyed with their 'Right to Buy' scheme, but Labour had ten years in power and did nothing about it then, but sicken us all when they are not in power by harping back to a policy that is 30 years old now and which they could have reversed if they weren't so intent in going to war in Iraq and elsewhere!

Both parties, are on about our obese society, hey now they are talking about me so it's getting personal, but it was successive Labour and Tory governments, reverse the order if you need to, who allowed school sports fields to be sold off and PE to be reduced to a side bar on the schools curriculum ......

I really, really have just had about my fill of these 'people', and sometimes find myself wishing that another Guido would come along and this time manage to blow up the Palace of Westminster, with them all in it, I really do.....

So what is the answer, Lord knows as I don't, it seems to be the inherent nature of the animal of national politics that we revert to snipe and gripe on anything that 'we' haven't done or propose to do so maybe it's time to get rid of national parliaments per say...

Local politicians can be just as bad as their national counterparts in terms of the snipe and snide but let's look to getting rid of the national government and the House of Lords,  if for no other reason than it would get rid of two tiers of highly overpaid and highly over compensated sets of self anointed grandiose windbags who claim a fortune in benefits for little good impact on our lives.  

It could be replaced by a house of representatives who could be drawn on rotation from local government, keep the civil servants in place to administer the country but have these local representatives also run the country.  The law can be changed, as it should be now, to allow constituents to recall their politician, who was not performing as well as he or she should be.  Let's face it,  there is, in terms of Health and Safety Law in this country,  an absolute legal requirement on directors of companies to ensure that the persons and or contractors that they are appointing to do a job, are absolutely capable of doing the job they are appointed to do, yet along comes Tony Blair or Gordon Brown or David Cameron or Nick Clegg and they are running the country without anyone being able to say that they are capable of doing so, and let's face it, none of them have been very good at it, now answer honestly, have they?

I'll admit, I haven't given this much thought, it was brought on this morning as a result of a tweet from a good Twitter friend, @ian_beckett who just happens to be a local labour councillor, although I try not to hold that against him, but I think we should consider dismantling Parliament and going down the local route, with a national house of representatives drawn from their number on a rotational basis, served by and advised by civil servants.  Just think of the money saved by getting rid of the other two lots alone!

What say you, The People?


  1. I hate politics. I'm pretty sure I'm not fond of politicians either. A bunch of do-nothing, know-nothing windbags.
    Never seems to change. The people who would make the best leaders don't want the job and I don't blame them.

    1. Hear, hear my sweet now go find a petrol station where you can use the pump yourself, bloody Politicians in Oregon, who do they think they are ....

  2. Me, three. It's just as bad in Australia. A pox on all their houses. Especially minority governments.

    1. Greta, thanks for stopping by and couldn't agree more I think this is the first time we have had a coalition since before the war and it isn't pretty, but then neither are any of the singular parties in power either

      Drop in any time my sweet

  3. Me too, even some of the local ones ..... But not Mr Beckett, yet!

  4. I agree with Julia.
    When I was eleven, a group of Kansas politicians approached my dad to nudge him again to run for governor. Privately, he and my mom had agreed there was not way they wanted their children growing up in the political world.
    What my dad said to the men having dinner around our dining room table was this: "Anyone who wants to be the governor is either oblivious of what's going on, or a little crazy. Neither one of those would make a good leader, and the really good leaders don't want to do it."

    1. Say's it al, really Marylin. I do recognise it as a thankless task I suppose, anywhere in the world but since 'politics' began I also suppose they only have themselves to blame

  5. I think Julia's dad hit the nail on the head: who the devil would want the job of a leader in any of this? And, not to defend the idiots in charge, but who would want to have to deal with a bunch of whining voters all the time? LOL!

    I'm not sure what the answer is, but in a fantasy world it would be nice if we could take what we've learned in the experiments in democracy thus far and build a better mousetrap. We'll never make things perfect - we're human after all - but we could build a much better democratic system.

    Unfortunately, the reality is that we're stuck with the messes we've got. I'm just glad that, as screwed up as things are here in the US, at least we don't have the issue the UK has of an ever-expandingn House of Lords! It sounds like eventually everyone in the UK will have a seat in it... ;-)

    1. Michael, you know me, life is a fantasy and that's where my resolution came from, know it's never going to happen but always wishing for something better. And, yes I think Marylin and Julia hit the nail on the head with their comments. As for our House of Lords, so right, you never know, I might be inviting you there one of these days and then we both woke up LoL. Thanks for selling in, always nice to see you here.


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