
Friday 21 June 2013

Film Review: Les Miserables 2012

Well finally got round to watching this movie with Ishbel.  We both thoroughly enjoyed it, however I really can't see what all the hoopla was surrounding it.  It was nothing great and having seen the stage production in London I much preferred the latter to the former.

It may have been the book / movie syndrome kicking in, in that the movie of a book very very rarely lives up to the drama and excitement of a good book.  Yeah, Crowe, Jackman, Hathaway, et al,  all put in fine performances and yes they proved that they can hold a tune, just, apart from Hathaway who had a surprisingly good singing voice and sang I Dreamed a Dream with conviction and passion.

I'm not a fan of Sacha Baron Cohen but he and Helena Bonham Carter, for me stole the show as Thenardier and Madame Thenardier, but then they almost do that (the characters that is) in the stage production too.  In the theatre I was laughing out loud at these two particularly when performing Master of the House and again with Beggars at The Feast; in the movie version, they got me smiling.

I must make mention of Samantha Barks and Eddie Redmayne.  Barks as Eponine, I paused the movie, always guaranteed to irritate Ishbel,  and asked when was the last time you saw a woman with a waist that small?  It was tiny,and fair do's as Eponine she gave a fine performance as the unrequited love interest to Redmayne's Marius.  I don't know what it is about that guy but I just don't like watching him and I didn't like him in this either.....

All in all, enjoyable and the soundtrack to the stage version is a regular on my playlist so it was good to hear them all, yet again.

If you haven't seen the movie and you can't get to see the stage production, then I recommend the movie.  If you want to listen to the full soundtrack from the movie it is on You Tube and I will put it on here, and hope that it works.

My Rating: Good 
Ishbel's rating: Excellent 


  1. I think I want to see the stage version in my head, not the film so I'll probably skip it. I did love the book.

    1. Yeah, if you really like musical film it is worth seeing, but the stage show is just so much more better even although and obviously the screen version can bring so much more in detail and expanding on the scenes that are available on stage.

      I read the book years ago, and it is (was, don't know if it still is) free so I have downloaded it onto my Kindle to read again

  2. There is one very good reason to see the film and that is Hugh Jackman - who you didn't mention. OK so he can't sing very well and OK he will always be Wolverine in any film he plays but he is Hugh Jackman.
    I will just mop up the drool now.

    1. But I did my darling, if only in passing BUT he did actually hold a better tune than Mr Crowe. Does that help hey wait what's this drooling stuff seeping out xxxxxxxxx

    2. I don't think you made enough of Hugh Jackman. Did I mention that I like Hugh Jackman? Did you know that the actor Hugh Jackman was in it?

      The problem with les mis is that apart from Master of the House and one other song the song is the same all the way though, gets a bit monotonous. Mr Crowe was very good at balancing of roof tops. And I thought Hugh Jackman was very good. - Did I mention that already?

    3. Kerry, I really don't think you are making yourself clear in regard to Mr Jackman, are you trying to say you really, really, really, really like him and yes did Mr Crow have nice clean boots/shoes on, in fact remarkably so considering everything else was so grubby

    4. I think you hit the nail on the head there Tom, for both actors. Sorry I wasn't clear.

  3. Sorry, Tom, but I vote with Ishbel: I thought the movie was excellent. We had also seen the stage play, but as powerful as it was, I have to say we enjoyed the Big Screen Dolby Sound wide-angle perspective even more. It felt like we were there, and Jim said he followed even the fast, faint parts of the dialogue, which he couldn't do with the stage play.
    Plus, I like the power of the remote, stopping when it's time for snacks or a bathroom break, and you can't do that at a live performance!
    Did you know that Anne Hathaway's mother had played this same role?

    1. I get that they can do so much more in a movie, I do and I am probably just being a 'theatre snob' and I am not going to argue with you Gals, I always end up on the losing end, which is no bad thing as sometimes after winning yet another debate Ishbel cuddles me, pats me on the head and sends me on my way with a ' better luck next time dear!' sheesh


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