
Saturday 31 December 2011

2011, a round up of the year

2011 is almost over with 2012 approaching, for us here in the UK in 62 minutes.  One way or another it has been an eventful year for Ishbel and I and we finish this year as we have for the last couple of years, babysitting the twins Charlie and Holly.

Our son Brian, with his partner Nick, as you know is in the pub trade and has the lease on two premises, The Sun Inn on Bethnal Green Road in London and The Dew Drop Inn in Buckinghamshire, so he is hard at work on the busiest night of his year.

Marie our eldest and her husband Peter are also in that trade but work for a national company, with Peter being a senior manager and Marie now part time, but again Christmas and New year are their busiest times, along with Valentines and Mother's days.

Jennifer our youngest and her partner Steve, presented us with grandchild No 5 this year, Lacey Mae and who is now 10 months old, a sister to Mollie 8 and Shannon 5, poor Steve, he would dearly love a son.  they of course were over for Christmas and we had a thoroughly enjoyable time with all of them, particularly the children.

Health wise this year, has had it's ups and downs, but altogether nothing to serious.  Asthma attacks seemed to be getting more frequent but nothing that worried me. Arthritis, gave up on the meds and just take Anadin Extra, other pain meds are available of course, and Ishbel continues to attend Great Ormond Street for her three monthly injection into her voice box.  Her epilepsy  is completely under control and we have had no episodes, so all in all a good year.  The only blight has of course been my weight and fitness.  I did, for the whole year manage to get out and walk hail rain or shine and did get my weight down to under 20 stone. I had planned to get to just under 19 stone for Christmas but fell at the last hurdle, so the challenge is there for the New Year.

We had a bit of a financial hiccup this year which left us worrying for a bit and while we are still not as secure as I would like us to be, we are just managing, but then, we are like millions of other across the planet in that respect, so we also hope that the New Year will be better for us as well as for anyone else who is going through a difficult time.

I re-discovered Twitter this year, after signing up for it a couple of years ago and not doing much with it.  That has been a great source of friendship to both Ishbel and I with many new and interesting friends made and interacted with. some of whom have been great sources of conversation and amusement, You are all to many to mention here and for that I beg your forgiveness but to you all, a special thanks for the conversations  and for keeping me grounded;  If you are an author and I have read your books you have given me, in the main, a great sense of pride in communicating with me and for producing the wonderful books that I have had the time to enjoy.  To the bloggers, the vast array of topics that you have presented me with has given me interest in things and subjects that I knew little of before and for that I thank you too.

So as we are 18 minutes away from 2012 I look forward to renewing old friendships, making new ones and continuing our conversations.

I hope that the New Year brings to everyone a renewed sense of hope in whatever it is you are doing.  That your health and that of your family and friends remains good and that we all prosper in the our lives both financially and through the love and friendship of our family and friends..................

Aye Yours
and a Happy New Year 

Tom and  Ishbel 


  1. Dear Tom and Ishbel - one of the highlights of 2011 was meeting you via twitter. Technology does have it's positive side.
    Yes, here's to a much better 2012. I'm kind of happy to kiss 2011 goodbye.

  2. Julia, That is so kind of you, we really have enjoyed reading your blogs and getting to know you and I am sure we will all continue our friendship even if the web crashes....

  3. All the best to you both. Thank you for making the internet a little more interesting!

    (sorry it took so long to catch up!)


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